Marketing in 2009: 12 marketing professionals reveal their execution imperatives è un interessante free ebook pubblicato da Valeria Maltoni di conversation agent.
E' un lavoro collettivo dove sono raccolte alcune indicazioni/direzioni del marketing e dei social media.
Per visualizzare e scaricare l'ebook clicca qui.
Nella presentazione Valeria Maltoni afferma:
2009 is the year of execution. We began the year with a mantra: make everything simpler.
Alcuni spunti interessanti:
Matt Dickman
There are three imperatives for execution programs in 2009: start with measurement, create content for the open Web and for mobility.
Mike Fruchter
The foundation and core of what social media is, consists of the five C's. Conversation, community, commenting, collaboration and contribution.
Jennifer Laycock
Social media interaction allows us to have… well, interaction with our customers. It lets us see them as people instead of statistics and it lets us hear their voices.
Beth Harte
The challenge marketing executives will face is to break down the walls between departments so that all employees understand the challenges that each department faces in delivering a remarkable brand experience. Conversation is the key to breaking down those walls and building up brand evangelists.
Mike Wagner
Social media isn't causing problems, but it is revealing them. And the problems aren't new; they've been around for a while.
Lois Kelly
Collaborate! Social media/Web 2.0 has removed the technical obstacles to collaboration and participation. In 2009 look at wikis as a way to work on projects.
2 commenti:
Grazie dell'attenzione. Ci saranno conversazioni ulteriori costruite sullo spunto di quelle contenute in questo progetto.
Complimenti per la pubblicazione e grazie per averla condivisa. Seguiremo con molto piacere gli sviluppi della conversazione.
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