
I segreti del marketing in un free ebook

Best-Kept Marketing Secrets: 100 experts dish with their marketing tips è un free ebook realizzato da Small Business Trends contenente 100 consigli (segreti) di esperti e consulenti per migliorare l’efficacia del marketing aziendale. Per scaricare l'ebook clicca qui. Ne abbiamo selezionato 10 come anteprima.

Seth Godin
Make promises and keep them. So obvious, it’s become a secret.

Jan Marie Dore
Give away lots of free content and ideas to develop relationships and build trust. Give away your best tips freely.

Michael Werner
Step 1 Ask your customers what they want.
Step 2 Listen.
Step 3 Listen again, and harder this time, to what they say.
Step 4 Give ‘em what they ask for.

Steve Rucinski
Surprise your customers. When was the last time you did something to surprise your customers? You know, something that would really make them remember you and appreciate your thoughtfulness and attention.

Toby Bloomberg
Forget what your mama or your preacher taught you. The Golden Rule does NOT work for developing a marketing strategy. Your customers do not want to be treated “as you would like to be treated.” In understanding your customers, you might discover that their values, needs and expectations differ from yours. New Golden Rule For Marketers: Do Unto Your Customers As THEY Would Like To Be Treated.

Eric Reisnger
Be bold, have passion, resist complacency, redefine the rules, deliver value.

Robert Levin
Marketing takes time. Despite the fact that marketing is one of the most crucial factors in a company’s success, a company’s marketing plan or marketing initiatives are always the last things to do and the most rushed. Marketing requires a lot of creativity, and that takes time—even for the most experienced of marketers. It takes time to understand what your customers and prospects really want. While that is a challenge, it is even more challenging to develop the right words and images to engage them.

Michael Port
All sales start with a simple conversation. It may be a conversation between you and a potential client or customer, between one of your clients and a potential referral, or between one of your colleagues and a potential referral. An effective sales cycle is based on turning these simple conversations into relationships of trust with your potential clients over time. We know that people buy from those they like and trust. But as Sir Winston Churchill once said, “It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.

Laura Newman
Focus on telling, not selling to the media when embarking on your PR campaign. Think beyond yourself and your company to what’s happening on a larger scale, and how you fit into that. Remember, the media is your customer too. Service them with excellence to become a reliable, valuable resource, and give them a reason to add you to their rolodex!

Mack Collier
Success in blogging is dependent upon having a built-in direct benefit to others. For example, many companies want to approach blogging as a way to sell products to customers. But blogs don’t work well as a direct-selling channel. The key is to first provide a benefit to readers by creating content and community that offers them value. By giving readers a direct benefit, the company then benefits indirectly by seeing sales increase as a result of their blogging efforts. But if the company instead tries to directly promote themselves, readers will see no value in this, and the blog will die.

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