Fish Where the Fish Are- Mapping Social Media to the Buying Cycle di Chris Brogan in cui sono illustrate 6 modalità di approccio ai Social Media:
- 1. Find the Customer
- 2. Be There Before the Sale
- 3. Be (or Empower) the Influencer
- 4. Shift Behavior
- 5. Warm Up the Funnel
- 6. Measure.
4 & 20 Blog Posts è un eBook sul marketing e sui social media realizzato da Greg Verdino.
Da Changethis, infine, quattro papers:
The Positive Business Manifesto di Jon Gordon che illustra come "Positive leaders, positive work environments, and positive engaged employees produce positive results";
The Brand Bubble: How Business Speculation in the Consumer Marketplace Threatens Our Economy di John Gerzema;
Open Innovation: Your On-Ramp to Creating a Better Product di Dwayne Spradlin;
Workplace 2.0: Motivating and Managing Millennials di Ron Bronson.
The Brand Bubble: How Business Speculation in the Consumer Marketplace Threatens Our Economy di John Gerzema;
Open Innovation: Your On-Ramp to Creating a Better Product di Dwayne Spradlin;
Workplace 2.0: Motivating and Managing Millennials di Ron Bronson.
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